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Welcome to OroHive: Your Ultimate OroCommerce Resource Hub, where Knowledge Meets Community

Designed with Oro's existing partners, customers, and aspiring partners in mind, OroHive is your go-to destination for all things OroCommerce.

hero-Oro Makes Cloud Deployment and Maintenance Faster
Oro Makes Cloud Deployment and Maintenance Faster

By combining continuous deployment and containerization, Oro further accelerates the feedback loop for OroCloud applications.

Unleash the potential of B2B headless commerce
Unleash the potential of B2B headless commerce with OroCommerce and Hycom Composable Frontend

Discover how combining OroCommerce as the backend solution with Hycom's frontend platform enables a powerful B2B eCommerce experience.

Introducing Oro DevBox
Introducing Oro DevBox: The Pre-Built Cloud-Based Workstation for Oro Developers

DevBox allows developers to quickly access a preconfigured and optimized Oro applications environment with all the tools and resources they need to write code.

Make the Most of OroCommerce with Business Training for EMEA Audiences

The upcoming OroCommerce Business Training EMEA Course is ideal for Oro partners and customers in the EMEA region. it's a perfect opportunity to learn how to configure the storefront, manage products, customers, content, pricing, checkout, and much more.

Join Oro Tech Talks Ep.6: Developing Oro Extensions

This Oro Tech Talks 6 is about developing Oro extensions. Don't miss the tips and best practices for creating custom extensions that can help you achieve your business objectives.

Oro Tech Talks Ep.5: Leveling Up Your Productivity in OroCommerce

Episode 5 of Oro Tech Talks is all about keeping developers at the top of their game. The best part? We're introducing a new, ground-breaking OroMakerBundle – a tool that will increase your productivity tenfold.

Oro Tech Talks Episode 4: Getting Started with Oro

For Episode 4 of Oro Tech Talks, we introduce developers to working on the Oro platform. We start with the Oro environment, basic concepts, and best practices for building Oro applications.

Oro Tech Talks Episode 3: Advanced Search with Elasticsearch

In the third episode of Oro Tech Talks, we'll talk about Elasticsearch and its ability to deliver memorable search experiences. Join us and other developers as our trainer explores search capabilities in an interactive setting.

Oro Ecosystem Life Highlights

Upcoming Events:

Oro Tech Talks #10 with Stripe

Oro Tech Talks #10 with Stripe


Join us and Stripe for a deep dive into “Scalable Payment Integration Patterns for Rapidly Growing Enterprise eCommerce Businesses.” You’ll hear from Oro’s Yevhen Shyshkin and Stripe’s Antoine Guigan, who will share their expertise on the topic...

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