As always, our monthly maintenance releases recaps provide a quick roundup of the major enhancements and important code corrections made within OroCommerce. Today’s recap will inform our Community about how Oro team has improved the application performance in July.
New OroCommerce LTS Maintenance Releases
OroCommerce and OroCommerce Enterprise 1.6.21
- The single checkout Submit button now behaves as expected.
- Resolved: issue related to the incorrect German translations cached in the backend.
For more details, visit the respective GitHub repositories and read the release notes:
OroCommerce 1.6.21 CE – release notes
OroCommerce 1.6.21 EE * – release notes
* Note that all of our GitHub repos for the Oro products’ Enterprise Editions are only available to the logged in Enterprise users.
OroCommerce and OroCommerce Enterprise 1.6.20
- Product unit selection is not provided for products with one unit only.
- Resolved: issue related to incorrect routing for the application (URL) with subpath.
- Login error message on the storefront and management login pages can be translated.
- ProductUnit on Request a Quote form is translated properly.
- Users can use decimal values as an option for a product attribute of the Select type on the storefront.
- During the single page checkout, sticky panel works as expected.
- Resolved: issue related to the incorrect German translations cached in the backend.
To view all the changes, check out these GitHub repositories and view the respective release notes:
OroCommerce 1.6.20 CE – release notes
OroCommerce 1.6.20 EE * – release notes
OroCommerce and OroCommerce Enterprise 1.6.19
- Fixed: 500 Internal Server Error on the product page on the storefront after a Specific Localization value was added to the product entities.
- On the product view page, product view specification wrapper is not rendered as an element if price information is not specified for the configurable product.
- Resolved: issue with the user rules and promotions grid not displaying promotions properly.
- A customer can complete checkout even when their email is the same as a primary email of a contact record.
To learn more about all the changes, visit these GitHub repositories and view the respective release notes:
OroCommerce 1.6.19 CE – release notes
OroCommerce 1.6.19 EE * – release notes
OroCommerce and OroCommerce Enterprise 1.6.18
- Fixed: issue with autocomplete “oro_product_visibility_limited” and “oro_product_visibility_limited_with_prices” search only by a SKU and name.
- After a backend user logs in, they are redirected to the backend.
- Product names are truncated correctly in Firefox browser.
- The behavior of the Submit Order button during single page checkout was improved.
- The issue related to the first and second customer addresses linked to each other was fixed.
For the complete list of changes and fixes, visit these GitHub repositories and view the respective release notes:
OroCommerce 1.6.18 CE – release notes
OroCommerce 1.6.18 EE * – release notes
OroCommerce Enterprise 1.3.34
- The issue related to the incorrect promotions grid ACL has been successfully resolved.
- A customer can complete checkout even when their email is the same as a primary email of a contact record.
For more details, check out this GitHub repository and read these release notes.
That was it for today! Stay tuned for the August round-up of the OroCommerce maintenance releases.