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HomeBlogOro Makes Cloud Deployment and Maintenance Faster

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Oro Makes Cloud Deployment and Maintenance Faster

September 27, 2023 | msarandi

Containerization revolutionized the software development world. A 2020 IBM survey found that 64% of container adopters expected over half of their existing applications would be put in containers within the next two years. Docker Engine is now the industry standard and enjoys the huge backing of the open-source community.

With Docker Engine, users isolate individual tasks from each other and achieve a great degree of parallelism in task runs. The benefits of doing so are faster builds and reduced feedback time. These benefits ultimately lead to increased developer productivity.

By combining continuous deployment and containerization, Oro further accelerates the feedback loop for OroCloud applications.

Continuous Improvement in the Cloud

Oro takes great pride in the quality of our code, and we hold ourselves to the highest standards for software development and processes. We also believe in continuous iteration for improvement and working as efficiently as possible. Because these values are shared by the Oro community, we are making cloud deployment faster, more efficient, and easier than ever.

The OroCloud is supported by continuous integration and continuous deployment processes. We utilize the Docker Engine for containers in the OroCloud and orchestrate the containers automatically.

Developer benefits of this approach include:

  • Faster deployment and upgrades
  • Fewer errors
  • More uptime
  • Scalability

With the container approach, developers can cut down the deployment time from 40-45 minutes to 6-10 minutes.

Continuous Improvement in the Cloud

Application Packages Available in OroCloud

Prebuilt application packages to upgrade OroCommerce 5.0 and higher applications in the OroCloud are available for use.
These prebuilt application packages contain vendor packages, assets, and other files and folders required for application runtime.

Developers can deploy the same application package simultaneously to development, user acceptance test, and production environments one by one. Rolling upgrades and upgrades with maintenance mode are both supported.

To list available application packages, run the orocloud-cli app:package:list command and orocloud-cli app:package:build to build a new one.

Committed to the Entire Ecosystem

Oro is committed to creating an ecosystem where B2B business thrives. This includes providing developers high-quality code and maintenance tools to keep cloud and on-premise applications up to date.

Have questions about deploying and maintaining in the OroCloud environment? Reach out on our Slack channel or review OroCloud maintenance documentation.

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