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HomeBlogOro Tech Talks Ep.2: Headless eCommerce and OroCommerce

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Oro Tech Talks Ep.2: Headless eCommerce and OroCommerce

April 6, 2022 | msarandi

We’re thrilled with the warm reception of the premiere of Oro Tech Talks on the OroCommerce release process, and we’re wasting no time in preparing for the next one. 

Headless eCommerce is certainly a hot topic not just in the B2B eCommerce space but among business leaders and developers themselves. That’s why our upcoming tech talk will explore how developers can use OroCommerce in a headless manner to deliver unique customer experiences.

Most of us are aware that headless architecture separates the front-end presentation layer from back-end components with the help of APIs. But what does headless mean for eCommerce developers? Is it better than other approaches? And what are the practical ways it can help digital commerce businesses?

In this Oro Tech Talk titled Headless eCommerce and OroCommerce, we’re helping developers evaluate the benefits and practical uses of this strategy in their eCommerce projects. Towards the end, our trainer will showcase a few examples of headless use cases such as locating products by barcode in a barcode-scanning application.

Oro Tech Talks Episode 2: Headless eCommerce

Our second episode in the series titled Headless eCommerce and OroCommerce will take place on Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 9 am EST / 3 pm CET. We’ll discuss the benefits of headless, offer you actionable advice, as well as hands-on experience in developing an application from scratch.

New and experienced developers can expect to:

  • Discover what’s meant by headless eCommerce
  • Learn the benefits of adopting a headless architecture
  • Experience a headless eCommerce coding session
  • Get the open-source proof-of-concept application

Register to reserve your seat now!

Daniel is a senior software engineer and project lead for OroCommerce with 10 years of PHP development experience. Since 2017, he’s been an integral part of Oro’s development team and is proficient at addressing complex B2B needs with software solutions, overseeing all phases of the development cycle. Daniel is involved in technical sales activities, requirements discovery development, and delivery phases. He is an experienced leader and Oro trainer, working closely with developers, partners, as well as clients.
Daniel Nahrebecki, Project Lead, Senior Software Engineer, Trainer, Oro Inc

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We’re looking forward to seeing you!

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