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Manufacturers and wholesalers that need to digitize their sales process can be confused by the options. Just because something is called a “solution” doesn’t mean it will solve your problem. We’ve previously looked at eProcurement and punchout catalog solutions to see how they differ from eCommerce systems for B2B companies. Today, we conclude with a comparison of EDI and B2B eCommerce systems.

What is EDI?

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a way for computers to transfer documents by using predetermined formats and digital rules. It is a direct data transfer between the sending and receiving company.  No translators or extra processing is needed.

EDI arose as a way of solving the problem of transferring documents between businesses. If the Company A wants to buy or offer their customer widgets from Blue Widget Express, both companies are going to create documents that must be shared. Company A will prepare a Purchase Order (PO) to send to Blue Widget Express; Blue Widget Express must then create a Sales Order and Invoice. When humans create documents, errors are bound to occur; if computer programs create the document, the chances for error are dramatically decreased. Besides, computer-to-computer information exchange is much more cost-effective than handling paper documents. There’ve been studies that showed manual processing of paper-based order costs can go as high as $70 while computer processing costs are less than $1.
But, computers can only talk to each other when they have an agreeable format. This is where EDI comes into play.

How Does It Work?

Businesses that want to share documents using EDI must first agree on one of several EDI standards. These include ANSI, EDIFACT, TRADACOMS and ebXML to name a few. These standards provide a predetermined format for the information in the document. The larger business usually sets the standards and is unwilling to modify their EDI terms. This means the smaller business has to conform to these standards in order to do business. However, there are times when an EDI relationship can be highly custom with different pricing, fulfillment terms, and protocols.

So, let us provide a sample use case. From the example above, a Company A employee would prepare a PO using the agreed-upon standard and then electronically send it to Blue Widget Express. Blue Widget Express would receive the PO and it would be automatically entered as an order. Because Blue Widget Express isn’t manually entering the order, order entry and other human errors are eliminated. The order can be filled – with the sales order and invoice generated – and these documents are sent back electronically to Company A using the same predetermined format. Company A and Blue Widget Express no longer need to use the same software, as long as they agree on an EDI standard for sharing documents.

Is EDI Different from eCommerce?

EDI is a way of conducting commerce and it is electronic, so technically it is eCommerce. But it is more about transmitting documents and less about what actually goes into the buying and selling process. EDI is a means of placing orders, eCommerce is a way of not only accepting orders but providing buyers with a complete shopping experience including a front-end store. For example, if a buyer at Company A knows they need to buy 600 Tiny Aqua Widget SKU 148439 from Blue Widget Express, EDI is a perfect way to place the order. However, if the buyer isn’t sure what widget they need, or if they need specs on the Tiny Aqua Widget, or if they need to compare the Widget to another widget, EDI won’t be of much help. Let’s look at EDI and B2B eCommerce side-by-side.


Main benefits



  • Electronic ordering
  • Electronic ordering
  • Eliminates manual order entry
  • Eliminates manual order entry
  • Perfect for repeat orders
  • Perfect for researching products and brand promotion  (although it supports repeat orders as well)
  • Doesn’t include product information
  • Contains complete product information
  • Excellent for automating orders based on inventory levels
  • Provides cross-selling & upselling opportunities

Use Cases



  • Manufacturer ordering/reordering raw materials
  • Manufacturer ordering supplies
  • Wholesaler ordering regular inventory
  • Wholesaler selling to distributors
  • Distributor ordering regular inventory
  • Distributors selling to retailers
  • Automated ordering based on inventory levels
  • Manufacturers/wholesalers selling direct

EDI and B2B eCommerce: Which Option is Better?

As a B2B seller, EDI is simply another way to accept orders from your existing customers. A sales rep doesn’t need to be available by phone to take the order, customers can order at any hour, it streamlines getting an order into your system and you don’t need to invest in the technological integration necessary for punchout catalogs. EDI is highly-efficient for the customer that knows what they want. eCommerce is built for reaching new markets and expanding sales with existing customers. With eCommerce you can easily upsell and cross-sell to existing customers. You can provide detailed product information for an improved buyer experience. In addition, product catalogs can be indexed by popular search engines where new buyers can be made aware of your offerings. eCommerce can process new RFQs when EDI works with already established agreements. While EDI and eCommerce both streamline the ordering process, only eCommerce has the ability to expand your customer base, penetrate new markets, and showcase your brand.

What Strategy is Right for You?

The right strategy is usually a blend of digital solutions, like EDI and B2B eCommerce. If your existing customers rely heavily on their e-procurement systems, it’s possible that EDI or punchout catalogs could simplify the ordering and approval process. But you can’t simply rely on those solutions alone.

To build new business and expand an existing business, eCommerce gives B2B buyers the online shopping experience that customers want. And to support the back-office, the right sales portal does more than handle sales orders. It can be used for support, marketing, and customer service.

For more information about finding the right digital solution to grow your business, talk to Oro.


In the rapidly changing eCommerce world, multiple payment options put every buyer just a few clicks from the purchase. Out of the box, OroCommerce supports the most popular and trusted payment methods:

You can hardly predict the next most popular online and offline payment company in your customer’s area or the next high-tech payment method to emerge, but you can be prepared to the change. With flexible and customizable open-source OroCommerce application, you can adjust quickly and support it the next day (well, maybe the next week).

This topic will guide you through adding a custom payment method for your OroCommerce-based B2B store. For this example. we’ve chosen collect-on-delivery payment, as it comes in many flavors (cash, credit card, and online wallet) and many people still consider it the most credible and risk-free option for online purchases.

Adding a new payment method

Step 1. Create and enable a bundle

Note: See Symfony best practices for naming and placing your bundle.

Create a new bundle that extends the PaymentBundle and enable it using the steps explained here. Briefly, they are:

Step 2. Implement payment method configuration

To define custom configurable options and manage visibility and availability of the payment method, bind it to the Configuration Settings using the following steps:

While it’s still quite early in the year and the operational loads are not as high as during the insanity of Christmas sales, January is just about the best time of the year to review your systems and infrastructure against the best practices, your projected (and budgeted) needs and potentially new legal requirements.

To help you with this we have prepared and are now releasing this Reliable and Secure Infrastructure for OroCommerce guide to cover the basics to look out for.

The main valuables you will find in the guide are:

Additionally, as the cherry on the cake, especially valuable for those planning or auditing the eCommerce deployments, we’ve thrown in Sample Deployment Configurations. In this section, you will find three sample deployments you could use as a baseline if you are just planning your infrastructure, or match against if you are auditing or looking to improve.

The three Sample Deployment Configurations are: 

We hope you will find this guide useful. Should you wish to share your own best practices, or discuss other infrastructure variations, please drop us a line in the comments below or at our forums.

As we constantly revise Oro’s products for improvements, we do our best to update the Oro community on the newest application upgrades in the most informative way. From now on, we’ll be moving to a different format for our regular OroCRM and OroCommerce maintenance releases announcements. What’s new about it?

In our blog, we’ll be summarizing the new releases once per month. Along with that, we’ll be providing a recap of the enhancements and bug fixes made within the long-term support (LTS) maintenance releases and offer quick links to the minor versions’ of the maintenance releases.

To be instantly alerted of the new maintenance releases, follow our OroCRM EE, OroCRM CE, OroCommerce EE and OroCommerce CE GitHub repositories and check out our release schedule to get an idea of when new versions will be available.

And now, let’s finally give our new announcement format a try and see what improvements the latest maintenance releases include.

New LTS Maintenance Releases for OroCRM and OroCommerce

OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.0.35

In OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.0.35, the following items have been improved:

For the complete list of enhancements, check out the respective * GitHub repository and the OroCRM Enterprise 2.0.35 release notes.

* Note that all of our GitHub repos for the Oro products’ Enterprise Editions are only available to the logged in Enterprise users.

OroCRM Enterprise Edition 1.12.35

The maintaining release of version 1.12.35 for OroCRM Enterprise Edition provides general performance improvements and the following bug fixes:

To learn more about OroCRM Enterprise Edition 1.12.35, visit the respective GitHub repository and view the OroCRM Enterprise 1.12.35 release notes.

OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.3.19

The major improvements OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.3.19 introduces include the following:

For the complete list of enhancements, check out the respective GitHub repository and the OroCRM Enterprise 2.3.19 release notes.

OroCommerce Enterprise Edition 1.3.19

OroCommerce Enterprise Edition 1.3.19 provides the application enhancements as follows:

OroCommerce Enterprise Edition 1.3.19 GitHub rep will provide you with more technical details. Make sure to read the release notes, too.

Minor Maintenance Releases for OroCRM and OroCommerce

OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.4.9

Visit the GitHub repository and read the OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.4.9 release notes.  

OroCommerce Enterprise Edition 1.4.9

This maintenance release introduces a few minor fixes to ensure a smooth user experience and an increased security level. Here you can view all of the changes to the application and look through the release notes for OroCommerce Enterprise Edition 1.4.9.  

OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.5.2

The maintenance release of version 2.5.2 for OroCRM Enterprise Edition is dedicated mostly to insignificant bug fixes you can learn about more by visiting this GitHub repository and viewing the release notes.

OroCommerce Enterprise Edition 1.5.2

The OroCommerce EE 1.5.2 maintenance release provides several performance optimizations. To find out what they are, follow this link that will take you to the repository. Here you can also find the accompanying release notes.

Stay tuned for the next batch of the Oro maintenance releases we’ll blog about in a couple of weeks.

Do let us know what you think about our new format in the comments section below. Every feedback counts and will help us best deliver the best offering to our Community.

We’d like to inform our Community of the immediate availability of the maintenance release of version 1.0.34 for OroCommerce Enterprise Edition (EE).

The release provides application bug fixes and delivers general performance improvements.

For the complete list of enhancements, visit our GitHub repositories or simply follow the links below (please first log into GitHub):

OroCommerce EE 1.0.34 Application * (click here to view the release notes)

* The links lead to the private GitHub repository only available to the OroCommerce EE users.

To upgrade OroCommerce to the latest version, please follow the steps provided in the OroCRM upgrade and clone instructions as the upgrade process is similar (ensure you are using the orocommerce.git repository or files from page).

Please feel free to give us your feedback or leave comments in our forums. We hope you enjoy this release and find it useful.

We’d like to inform our Community of the immediate availability of the maintenance release of version 1.4.8 for OroCommerce Enterprise Edition (EE).

This maintenance release provides application bug fixes and delivers general performance improvements.

For the complete list of enhancements, please visit our GitHub repositories or follow the links below (please first log into GitHub):

OroCommerce EE 1.4.8 Application * (click here to view the release notes)

* The links lead to the private GitHub repository only available to the OroCommerce EE users.

To upgrade OroCommerce to the latest version, please follow the steps provided in the OroCRM upgrade and clone instructions as the upgrade process is similar (ensure you are using the orocommerce.git repository or files from page).

Please feel free to give us your feedback or leave comments in our forums. We hope you enjoy this release and find it useful.

We’d like to inform our Community of the immediate availability of the maintenance release of version 1.3.18 for OroCommerce Enterprise Edition (EE).

The release provides application bug fixes and delivers general performance improvements.

For the complete list of enhancements, please visit our GitHub repositories or follow the links below (please first log into GitHub):

OroCommerce EE 1.3.18 Application * (click here to view the release notes)

* The links lead to the private GitHub repository only available to the OroCommerce EE users.

To upgrade OroCommerce to the latest version, please follow the steps provided in the OroCRM upgrade and clone instructions as the upgrade process is similar (ensure you are using the orocommerce.git repository or files from page).

Please feel free to give us your feedback or leave comments in our forums. We hope you enjoy this release and find it useful.

We’d like to inform our Community of the immediate availability of the maintenance release of version 1.5.1 for OroCommerce Enterprise Edition (EE).

This maintenance release provides application bug fixes and delivers general performance improvements.

For the complete list of enhancements, please visit our GitHub repository or follow the links below (please first log into GitHub):

OroCommerce EE 1.5.1 Application * (click here to view the release notes)

* The links lead to the private GitHub repository only available to the OroCommerce EE users.

To upgrade OroCommerce to the latest version, please follow the steps provided in the OroCRM upgrade and clone instructions as the upgrade process is similar (ensure you are using the orocommerce.git repository or files from page).

Please feel free to give us your feedback or leave comments in our forums. We hope you enjoy this release and find it useful.

We’d like to inform our Community of the immediate availability of the maintenance release of version 1.0.33 for OroCommerce Enterprise Edition (EE).

The release provides application bug fixes and delivers general performance improvements.

For the complete list of enhancements, visit our GitHub repositories or simply follow the links below (please first log into GitHub):

OroCommerce EE 1.0.33 Application * (click here to view the release notes)

* The links lead to the private GitHub repository only available to the OroCommerce EE users.

To upgrade OroCommerce to the latest version, please follow the steps provided in the OroCRM upgrade and clone instructions as the upgrade process is similar (ensure you are using the orocommerce.git repository or files from page).

Please feel free to give us your feedback or leave comments in our forums. We hope you enjoy this release and find it useful.

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