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HomeTutorialsHow to Create and Manage Calendars

How to Create and Manage Calendars

| msarandi
Video Tutorials

Today we’ll be demonstrating how to create and work with system and personal calendars.

OroCRM provides each user account with a personal calendar with easy access to the the specific user’s tasks and events.

OroCRM’s out-of-the-box calendar allows users to create and view system and organization calendars as well as their own calendars, or those of other employees in the organization. (Note that organization levels are only available for Enterprise Edition Multi-Org feature). System and Organization Calendars are helpful when there is a need to notify many people about  common events. An example might be that a system calendar is set up exclusively for weekly, and quarterly sales meetings, or a holiday or vacation calendar shared with all employees. Additionally, a Microsoft Outlook integration is available to Enterprise customers on the Windows operating system.

Events in the System and Organization calendars can be viewed by all the users within the system/organization. The ability to create, edit, and delete events depends on the user’s roles and permissions.

To view and manage personal and system calendars navigate to your user name in the top right hand corner of the screen and select My Calendar.

A graphical calendar screen displays (only pointing this out because it doesn’t happen on system calendars)

To display another user’s calendar, click on the drop down under the calendar list to “Choose a user to add”.  A list displays populated with current system users. You can also

You can also click on the hamburger icon to load the entire list of users, and to use filtering tools to find specific users. All calendar entries for each system or user calendar displays on your main calendar. Users can also click on the ellipsis next to the name of the newly added calendar’s name and choose a color to differentiate that user on your your main calendar. You can hide calendar entries by clicking on the colored box next to the users name on the left to remove those entries from your calendar.

You can customize your calendar to view day, week and month views, and easily view your user specific tasks and events by clicking on the buttons in the top right hand corner of the screen and you’ll be automatically directed to your task or event grid.

To create calendar events on your calendar or another calendar you have access click on a calendar date to display the Add a new Event dialog.

  1. Enter in an event Title and Description
  2. Choose a color for the calendar
  3. If desired, add a color for the event entry. This color highlights the item on the calendar,
  4. Use the drop down on the calendar field to select the calendar you are creating the entry for.
  5. In the Guests field, either type in characters to being to search for a name or use the drop down to select a name from the list.
  6. Click the Add+ button to set an event reminder. You can choose to receive the reminder by email or flash message, and define how long before the event you wish to be reminded.
  7. If this event is to take place over a google hangout – check the google hangout box.
  8. Add Context to establish any the relationship between this entry and any records.
  9. Choose a start and end date.
  10. Click the checkbox for all day event if this event is taking place the entire day.
  11. Click the repeat button if this is a reoccurring event. For example, if a user wanted to have an all hands meeting with the entire company every wednesday at 8am you could configure the event to block out those days on the calendar for the time duration requested. You have the option to keep the meeting recurring with no end date, end the meetings after a certain number of dates or by a specific date. For instance, you’ve created a weekly meeting for sales representatives that are planning on coming in to town for a month. You could create the weekly meeting to end after 4 occurrences or by the date that the sales team is leaving.
  12. Save the calendar event by clicking the save button in the lower right hand corner of the dialog.
  13. The event is now displayed on the calendar, as well as the calendar for anyone listed as Context for the event.

System Calendar

  1. To create a system calendar, navigate to the main system menu and select system calendar
  2. A grid displays showing any organization or system calendar.
  3. Click on the create system calendar button in the top right hand corner of the screen.A blank calendar configuration form displays
  4. Enter a calendar name.
  5. Choose a color for the calendar
  6. Select the scope by using the drop down to select Organization or System. Note that organization is only available for Enterprise Edition Multi-
  7. Click save and close in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Add Calendar Events

  1. To add events click the “create calendar event” button in the top right hand corner of the screen
  2. Enter a title of the event
  3. Enter a description for the event
  4. If desired, choose a color to represent this event on a calendar.
  5. Choose a start and end date. Click the checkbox for all day event if this event is taking place the entire day.
  6. Click the repeat button if this is a reoccurring event and fill out the recurring meeting details.
  7. If this event is to take place over a google hangout – check the google hangout box.
  8. Add Context to establish any the relationships between this entry and any records, contacts or accounts. For example, if this entry was for a sales meeting, adding relevant context would make sure that the calendar entry is saved on all records listed as context for the calendar item.

Thanks for watching!

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