Welcome to OroCRM’s video tutorial series. Today we’ll be demonstrating how to create and edit contacts using OroCRM.
A Contact record contains personal information such as first and last name, address, telephone number, email address, birthday, and other related information used to represent a person that you are doing business with.
To create a contact, navigate to the Customers dropdown from the main system navigation menu and select the contacts option.
A list of contacts are displayed in the grid.
In the top right hand corner of the contact page header click on the Create Contact button.
A blank contact form displays with information divided into three sections: General Information, Groups and Accounts.
General information includes fields such as name, address, birthday and other personal information. In the right-hand section of the page header you can also add billing and shipping contact information. Fill out the Contact Information and address form. While not all fields are required it is highly recommended that you add as much information as possible for the new contact.
In the Assigned To field choose an oro user who is working with or representing the contact.
In the Reports To field select an existing contact which the new contact reports to. An example would be if a particular contact left the company, there is another contact to carry on any additional business. While it is not required, additional contacts are highly recommended.
Click on the Groups link to select a group to better understand the role of the contact. This information can be used for reporting or notification purposes.
Click on the Accounts link to associate the new contact record with an account. The purpose of this is to provide a 360 degree view of the customer and associated records. A contact does not necessarily need to be associated with an account but it’s highly recommended.
Scroll through the list and check the checkboxes next to the accounts you would like to associate with this contact.
Finally Click the Save and Close button from the top right hand corner of the screen. You are then returned to the new contact’s information page.
Editing a Contact
To edit contacts, navigate to Customers -> Contact
Users can search through the contact list or use any of the predefined filters to locate a specific contact. There are three ways to edit a contact record:
- You can perform inline editing from the grid by hovering over most fields and clicking on the pencil icon to open the field for editing. After editing, click the checkmark to save the changes.
- You can use the quick action buttons on the far right of the contact record in the gridview to view, edit or delete a contact.
- Lastly, you can click on any contact to go to the view page of the record then enable the editing by clicking the Edit Contact button.
If your user profile has permission it is possible to import a list of contact lists by clicking on the the “Import Contacts” option on the top right hand corner of the user interface.
- All contact lists must be uploaded in CSV format.
- It is suggested that you download the contact template for formatting purposes. To download the template – click on the drop down menu from the import icon and select download data template. This downloads the a csv formatted file. Once populated, upload the file by clicking on the import button, and selecting the csv file from your computer.
Thanks for watching!