OroCRM allows users to export and import lists of information in CSV format into OroCRM. You can import lists of accounts, customers, contacts, leads and opportunities.OroCRM provides a preformatted template on each of these grid pages in order for you to download the template file, populate and then import into OroCRM.
A user may want to export records to a spreadsheet so they can do several updates at once and then re-import. Another scenario might be that they want to only export a list of a group of records that are filtered. Please see our video on Filtering for more information.
We can demonstrate Importing and Exporting by accessing the contacts grid. Select customers from the main menu and use the drop down to select Contacts.
You can export records two ways, either to export all records or filtered results.
To export all the records in the grid, click the the Export button in the top right hand corner of the screen. A flash message displays with the message that the export has started successfully, and you will receive an email notification once it is complete.
When you receive the email, it includes a link to download your exported records.
To export a list of filtered records use filters to narrow down your search results. For more information on filtering, please see our video in the media-library. Additionally, you can access one of your saved filtered grids, or a grid that was shared with you by clicking the down arrow next to the Grid Name.
Click the Export Grid button on the left side of the screen above the grid header. You have the option to export to CSV ar an XLSX. Again, a flash message displays with the message that that the export was started successfully, and that you will receive an email when this is complete.
To Import Records navigate to the grid that you want to import records too.
If you would like to add new records, it’s best to download a blank template first. If you would like to update existing records, first export out a list, update the records, and then re-import the list.
- To download a template, dropdown on the Import File button to select Download Data Template.
- A dialog displays asking if you’d like to open or save the file. Save the file and select a location for the template.
- Open the template and you will notice that they are an exact replica of the contact fields available as well as a single record to help guide you. Just as when you create a manual record, there are mandatory fields that must be specified for each record. If you don’t want a particular column updated, you must remove the column header. Failing to do so may override a field of information with blank information and cause you to lose data.
- Note that when you download a template or export a list to a cvs, the spreadsheet will contain columns for related data. For example, if you export accounts from the accounts grid, there is columns in the csv for addresses. This is because the contacts are related to accounts. If you update the address information on the record, that information is also updated for the contact when importing.
- When you are ready to import a file, return to that specific grid in OroCRM and click the import button to upload the file.
- A dialog displays prompting you to choose a csv file from your computer.
- Select a strategy. Users are given the options to add and replace records or just add them to the grid.
- A flash message appears displaying that you will receive an email once the upload is complete. The email contains details of the records that were imported including any error that may have happened during import. Additionally, you will have a link to the error log.
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