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HomeTutorialsHow to Create and Manage Contact Requests

How to Create and Manage Contact Requests

| msarandi
Video Tutorials

Today we’ll be demonstrating how to create and manage Contact Requests using OroCRM.

Contact Requests are used to track contact with individuals who are requesting information such product info, support, partnership information or any other type of assistance.  OroCRM has a standard embedded contact form out of the box for users to add to their websites. When their customers use this forms, contact requests are automatically generated and added to the Contact Requests grid in OroCRM.

Create Embedded Forms

To create an embedded form for your website, navigate to Systems and select integrations and then “embedded forms”.  From the grid view click Create Embedded Form.

A blank embedded form dialog is displayed:

  1. Fill out the title of the form
  2. Select basic contact request form type.
  3. The CSS is already populated for you!  This of course can be modified to fit the theme and style of your website
  4. Type in a custom success message to allow users to know that their form was submitted properly.
  5. Type in allow cross origin domains to where the form can be embedded. This field supports wildcards such as *
  6. Click the save and close button in the upper right hand corner of the screen

You are now returned to the details of the form on the left of side of the page and a preview of your form in the right side of the page.

Click on the “get code” to get the code to copy and paste to a page on your website. You have the option of selecting iframe or inline code.  Note: Using  inline code will interfere with your site’s CSS. You might need to change the form CSS. You should also check the Allowed Domains section and add all known domains that are hosting your form.

When customers fill out this form and submit, the email automatically goes into the contact request grid on OroCRM.

View the Contact Request Grid

To view the contact request grid navigate to the activities menu and use the drop down to select Contact Requests. The contact request grid displays showing a list of customers requesting support or information. Users can also manually create a contact request by clicking on the “Create Contact Request” button in the far right hand corner. There are several ways to manage contact requests.

  • First, users can use the quick action buttons on the far right by hovering over the ellipse and using the available options to view, edit or delete the request directly from the grid.
  • Next, you can click on any request in the grid to load the view page. Once loaded – there are several actions users can take with each request.
  • Users can share the request with another OroCRM user
  • Converted  the contact request to an opportunity
  • Converted the contact request a lead
  • If this is a support request you can use the log a call option or email option to contact the person directly, as well as resolve the request once support is complete.
  • Additionally, you can edit or delete the request from this view page.

Click the contact request breadcrumb to return back to the contact request grid.

Thanks for watching!

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